Our History
The birth of the Ord Golf Club became possible through the generous donation of land by James Bussell in May of 1909. In late June of 1915 Joe Barta and C.J. Mortensen met with the city Park Board with the idea to build a golf course for citizens to enjoy rather than the current use of an alfalfa field.
In July of 1915 Charles Johnston of Omaha completed the design work for the course using the creek, thickets, brambles and natural lay of the land in the design. All labor in the building of the course was completed by Member volunteers.
On Monday August 2, 1915 the Ord Golf Club and course were formed with a membership of 34 members. Joe Barta was elected the 1st Chairman and C.J. Mortensen was named Secretary.
Bud Shirley long time Ord resident was hired to be the caretaker of the golf course along with his duties in the park department.
Many gentlemen can remember playing baseball and High School football on #1 fairway up until 1948 when a new ball field was constructed nearby.
In September of 1955 the club built the current clubhouse.
The Club hosted the 1959 Men’s and 1962 Ladies Nebraska State Sand Greens Tournaments.
In 1964 the sand greens were reshaped and planted to bent grass.
In 1982 the second story was added to the clubhouse for a banquet room, kitchen, and a walkout deck.
OGC Board
- Noah Piskorski, President
- Mike Bechtold, Vice President
- Colin Lansman, Secretary
- Wes Ulrich, Member
- Lu Lansman, Member
- General Manager – Scott Bruha
- Course Superintendent – Colton Zulkoski
Ord Golf Club Foundation
The Ord Golf Club Foundation was formed in January 2004, to provide families and individuals an opportunity to honor the memory of a loved one, or to show individual support by a donation for the betterment of the Ord Golf Club.
The foundation has up to ten members on its board appointed to oversee the collection and distribution of all funds. A donor may also designate a particular project when donation funds.
Current Needs
Expansion of the clubhouse to allow for more restroom facilities, handicap accessibility, and more conveniences for the golfers.
Long term needs
Upgrading the irrigation system, erosion control along the creek banks, cart path construction, and construction of a new clubhouse.
Our Mission
To promote, protect, and improve the quality of golf in Ord Nebraska, and the Ord Golf Club.